Jordan Makkinje
My specialties…
My focus is specialised in addiction, mental health / illnesses and divine masculinity.
You can find me at…
My name is Jorden and I’m 24 years old. I’m among many things, a breath-work practitioner currently living in Amsterdam.
For whole my life I had been searching. Searching for myself or whatever that meant. I didn’t seem to fit in anywhere and became depressed and addicted to substances. I didn’t know what to do with myself, I was completely lost. I felt deep down like there was something more, something for me to do here on earth. Yet was never able to quite understand what. I quit drugs and started living a more sober lifestyle and have been doing so for close to 2 years now.
In the midst of my deepest darkness it seemed like there was always a light shining. Guiding me towards the next step, the next knowing, the next understanding. In hindsight I realize that the breath had always been there. Guiding me through my despair of waking up in this world.
Meditation became my guide, breath by breath breathing more life into my system. Making the step into breath-work therefore was a simple decision and it seems like life had been preparing me for that for a while.
The breath has helped me become more open and intuitive. To trust in my abilities, myself and the universe. I become more loving and grateful everyday, every breath I take. The gift the breath gives is so special. Every session is in essence so different, yet the end result always is release.
I’m so grateful that I can now be saying that I’m currently a breath-worker and energy worker and guide for people who are waking up and starting to realize their potential. Learning them to tap in to this potential and taking back their own power.